BRIEFING: ThoughtWorks' QTB on Mobile and the “shattered future”
Some notes from last night’s ThoughtWorks' Quarterly Briefing
on Mobile and the “shattered future”
Session 1 : Giles Alexander
Mobile Lead (Europe) at ThoughtWorks
Talked about move from
Clients -> Apps -> Products
Clients are the old world desktop thick clients that started
to get replaced but apps and everyone needed an app on their phone. But now
increasingly the world is multi-screen and product is across devices, these are
just ways of getting to product. It's not just a case of laptops, smartphones
and tablets. Also have to consider other input types/devices like siri, Google
glass. there are multiple channels and accessibility is important.
Is Google glass just Segway for your face? e.g. Siri is a
bit of a gimmick, not used for regular/serious use, is Google Glass the same?
Couple of examples: is a property listings site that started
in print media. Business suited the internet well then along came mobile. While
developing the app they realised that their asset wasn't the website, it was
the property listing DB. The website was just a channel. The natural next step
was to do widgets that could be used on other people properties - all just a
channel back to their main asset the DB.
Instagram – the app is not the product, social network is
but phone form factor isn't great for that. Instead of developing the Android
app they could've gone for a desktop web app around the social network side,
this could then have been integrated and packaged up with picture taking app
into a new iPad app - gain a new way of using product and two new markets.
What is next?
Is payments the next big mobile thing? Giles told an
anecdote about being in San Francisco and seeing a Google Wallet NFC reader. He
asked what is was and then how often people used it, the answer to the first
question was every couple of weeks someone asks that and then about every 4
weeks they use it. Google with Wallet has the technology and channel but no
product. Compare this with Apple and iTunes where it has product but not the
channel or technology. As a side note aside from people selling NFC solutions I’m
not hearing a lot of love for it from the techology industry and nothing at all from
actual users, e.g. see
for an example of tech press reaction.
If you are in a pub (or other social setting :) with people
with same phones it means nothing, it doesn't open up any extra functionality.
Why not? Potential here for direct phone to phone functionality? Apple AirDrop
is a move in this direction with wifi direct a potential channel that could
open up "next big thing in mobile"
in the Q&A session W3C was talked about especially how
around HTML5 they have moved from trying to predict and shape the future with
standards to distilling down after the fact the best practices. Like a clean-up
operation linking up the technology into a coherent whole. (and yes they will
always lag behind as a standards body)
Session 2 : Chris Cheshire
Product Designer at ThoughtWorks
Not many notes here as mainly visual presentation going
through agile product design process. Interesting example task around designing
a log in screen and then getting feedback from neighbour - all within 60
couple of points I did pick out are:
Growth leads to opportunity
Constraints lead to focus
(the constraints here being around mobile form factor -
screen size, input methods etc.)
Went through the Build -> measure -> Learn -> build
and repeat cycle from the lean start-up world. Pointed out that
"build" doesn't have to be code. Design can be sketch for UI. quote
of the evening for me was in this section:
"lo-fi deliverables, with high quality thinking"
Session 3 with Giles Alexander and Jill Irving
(front-end web deisgner) going through some highlights in ThoughtWorks Tech
HTML5 storage (trial)
* either local or session storage
* For replacing cookies - gets around EU cookie legislation
and no back and forth with server - allows more data to be stored - so richer
experiences are possible, e.g. in a SPA
Responsive Design (trial)
Although trail in the radar, a few cons on this one were
illustrated by Jill's work on the Chime For Change project (
* huge development time
* type of application (may not always be appropriate)
* Limitations with automated testing - still very new
*Lack of tooling - again still new
Calatrava -
* mobile web framework
* gives you some patterns built in
SMS & USSD as a UI (adopt)
* feature phones still important (about 48% of global
market) especially for example in Africa or South America.
* example project was the "M-pesa" money system in
Kenya, 1/2 GDP of Kenya goes through the system. No paper and limited
infrastructure needed.
Browser-based templates (asses)
* Instead of generating on server and sending to client send
a template and JS engine to render.
* Makes SPAs more responsive
* less data, you're operating more on a service level
* Mentioned a couple of frameworks in this area icanhazJS (
and mustache (
Javascript as a platform and MV* frameworks (trial)
* to be honest not too sure what pros cons were but
angular.js ( was recommended (think term data lining came
up?) and backbone.js is on hold, as it was first in this space starting to see
issues with it.
SASS (adopt)
* SASS -
- was used on the Chime For Change project
* becoming de facto standard?
* speed in development was increased compared to hand
written CSS3 used on projects either side of Chime for Change
* Powerful when used with Compass (Rails framework -
* Twitter Bootstrap ( was mentioned as being on hold - mainly as it
enforces layers of transformation whether you need them or not.
Good event and an interesting topic, especially good hearing some context on the tech radar items from people using them. The only downside was travelling to/from London as I work in sunny Brighton, so I didn't get to spend as long talking and networking after the sessions as I would've liked - it was a school night after all!
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