R for Product Management
Photo by Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash Since my previous blog post I have made some progress on being able to replace most of what I currently use Excel for with R scripts. I have also launchjed a project to collect together some useful recipes for other Product Managers on GitHub called " R for Product Management " So far I have samples that cover the following data sources: Google Analytics - to my previous learning have added analysis of browsers used by site visitors and an example Shniy app for data exploration. InfluxDB - Working with time series data generated by the product, the two examples here are API response times and feature usage. This includes an example of manipulating time series data to set missing values to 0 for plotting. UptimeRobot - Simple example of taking error data and using a pivot table to explore the data, after some cleaning and filtering. This kind of workflow can be useful with large data sets. One thing th...