Tools for taking notes and sharing on the go
Moleskin Smart Writing Set As a product person, I am always thinking about unmet needs, ways of working, and pain points. One of those in my professional life is taking notes. I have tried Evernote on a tablet, into Word on a laptop but always come back to pencil and moleskin notepad. This then is a bit of faff in finding notes at a later date or sharing with colleagues. Scanner apps that create PDFs help, but I usually forget and take a photo that I then ping off by email. Imagine my excitement when I heard about the reMarkable tablet in development: The paper tablet for people who prefer paper. Here to replace your notebooks, sketchbooks and printouts. Paper-like reading, writing and sketching with digital powers. Sounds great! This has the potential to do for note taking what the Kindle did for eBooks. But it is still only on pre-order and my birthday was this month. So for around the same amount of money I have got two tools. The Moleskin Smartpen with "pap...