On storytelling and stories
Stories & Storytelling_1956 by Sterling College (flickr) In a lot of software projects the tools - such as prioritisation, backlog grooming, MVP - and artefacts that they produce - such as job stories, roadmaps, personas - are useful but ultimately I believe that they are about allowing a community of people to tell a story. When "going up" to people at budget sign off level they are generally short of time, so the stories need to be the point and tightly foccused on giving a sense of what has happened and what will happened, including topics such as: What are you doing? Which business goal does this achieve? What is the value? (e.g. either cost saving/revenue protection or increase in revenue) In my experience when going into detail level with implementers they like to hear the answers to these questions: Why is it needed? How does this fit into bigger picture? and What will we be doing next? I have tried exp...