On things changing and staying the same

Mainframe Computer by Dave Winer I recently spent some time with my maternal grandparents. My grandfather often likes to tell us stories about his past career and this visit was no different. Previously I have heard about his work in London as an accountant using earlier computer systems, such as those pictured to the left. I don't remember any stand out stories or great surprises from this era, other than how similar it was to my own experience working on a Y2K project more recently. However, this chapter was more recent and dealing with his time in the small Sussex town they lived in while I was growing up. I listened to him explain how he had first started to sell personal computers with a business partner and then later to bundle with Sage accounting packages as a reseller- this was when PCs were very much a business tool and before Sage had grown as large as they are now. Afterwards it struck me how the two different markets are so different now, large enterprise ...