On empathy and delivery

I hadn't intended on writing on this subject this week, it was going to be about a personal consumer travel site bugbear and my prediction for the future, but I'm going to look at empathy again. I've written about empathy and solutions with an eye on the development process and buying behaviours and usability looking at how the development and user needs might be different. So, what triggered this post? I like to use the Timehop app, which displays your history on the same day in the past across social media, and I like their mini-features like snow animations at Christmas. This Valentine's day opening up the app presented me with two options, would I like my real life on this day in social media and phone photos? Or would I prefer not to see it? Out of interest I chose "NOPE" and was presented with a fake timeline of kittens and puppies, with the option to go see my real Timehop at the end. There are a couple of things I liked about this. The first was ...