
Showing posts from November, 2013

On Big Data and Travel

I've been meaning to write about "Big Data" for a while, especially when as an Artificial Intelligence graduate I saw the Venn diagram at the start of a recent Amadeus sponsored report included both machine learning and natural language processing. Also in Bain & Company's report their research showed that analytical capability had a strong correlation with top performing companies. So I thought I'd sum up some of the articles out there on the subject at the moment. Is it just hype? Gartner's analysis is that Big Data is currently at the peak of inflated expectations and heading towards the trough of disillusionment -  and Wired's article asking Is Big Data in the ‘Trough of Disillusionment’? showed areas that is already more advanced. Is the case that as the Japan Times OpEd Deflating the hype on big data claims "big data isn’t much more than a sexier version of statistics, with a few new tools that allow us to think more broadly ab...