Welcome, an introduction to my blog
Why hello! thanks for stopping by on my blog. I'm not sure I have much to say or that I'll get around to actually writing it with all the avenues for creating on the web these days :-) The thing is that all these different channels on the internet tend to express an aspect of who we are - say the professional, hobbies and interests. I have: Facebook for posting notes to my friends, LinkedIn for shorter posts on matters related to my professional life Google+ , flickr and 500px for photography related matters Twitter for short links on all of the above So why have I started a blog? Well, I'm lucky to work in a field in which I have a strong intellectual interest. I read a lot of blogs, papers and reports on the area I work in. I also have a lot of discussions with my colleagues and observe how the teams I interact with work. Previously I have done a few academic courses to keep my mind ticking over, organise my thoughts and provide a space for writing this down. It'...